Saturday, December 28, 2019
Roger Yeager PHD states â€Å"Parenting challenging kids requires that you become a chef, not just rely on a cookbook recipe†(Miller). Approximately 9.5% or 5.4 million children 4-17 years of age have ever been diagnosed with ADHD, as of 2007. As of 2007, 2.7 million youth ages 4-17 years (66.3% of those with a current diagnosis) were receiving medication treatment for the disorder ( The Surgen General lists ADHD, as the most commonly diagnosed behavioral disorder of childhood. With numbers as these it seems imperative to know what works best for over 2.7 million children in treatment. Cognitive refers to our thinking, Behavior how we behave the two go together. The way we think and feel effects behavior and the other way around.†¦show more content†¦Parents attend training generally where they might be given assigned reading and instruction in standard CBT technique. Therapists using CBT often work with teachers on how to implement techniques in the classro om (Miller). CBT is a talking therapy. The therapist will look at the problem area, and better ways of dealing with the situations. It is hands on and needs commitment because you have to carry it through between sessions. It helps retrain the way the child thinks. It is most helpful in aiding in self esteem and relationship difficulties. Most sessions are one hour per week and require six to twenty sessions varying per persons needs. CBT can teach things like how to solve problems, make lists and use them, use calendars and to list distractions instead of focusing on them. CBT can help kids at school and help with friendships and peer relationships. CBT teaches skills to overcome challenges and discouraging thoughts. It works to improve the behavior through praise and rewards (like treats). The rewarded behavior is an example of what we learned as a class on Skinner’s Operant Learning (CBT Can Help with ADHD). It takes s time effort and hard work. To learn how to think and a ct in a new way is not quick but it has many benefits (CBT). Most parents would agree that although this might take effort that with 2.7 million children affected, their teachers and classmates around them the time would be well spent for the traded
Friday, December 20, 2019
The Relationship Between Cigarette Smoking And Novel Risk...
Relationship Between Cigarette Smoking and Novel Risk Factors for Cardiovascular Disease In The United States In a study of the general population of the United States, over 17,000 individuals were examined on the relationship between cigarette smoking and the levels of homocysteine, fibrinogen, and serum C-reactive protein. Cigarette smoking and cardiovascular disease have been linked and the topic has not been studied much. Cardiovascular disease was the cause of death in 40% of the United States in 1999. Stroke, congestive heart failure, coronary heart disease, and peripheral vascular disease can also result from cigarette smoking. In the study, there were â€Å"4,187 current smokers, 4,791 former smokers, and 8,375 never-smokers†eighteen or older participating from the years 1988 and 1994. Three thousand people were excluded from the study because their C-reactive proteins had little information. This left 16,596 people in the study for C-reactive proteins. In the analysis for fibrinogen, 2,000 people lacked the information for fibrinogen. Because the participants in the fibrino gen analysis had to be over 40 years of age, 9350 were left for this analysis. Between 1991 and 1994 (phase 2 of the study), homocysteine levels were measured. Close to 1,500 were missing homocysteine values, so 7,458 were examined. The data for the study was collected through home interviews and clinical examinations. Patients had their blood pressure measured six times total (three in the homeShow MoreRelatedThe Epidemiological Aspects of Aboriginal Health Essay3474 Words  | 14 Pagesefforts at eradicating health risks thereby reducing mortality rates for children and adults alike as well as communicable and non-communicable morbidity indicators. 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Thursday, December 12, 2019
Smart Cyber Security Survey And Challenges-Myassignmenthelp.Com
Questions: What Is The Effect Of Cyber Security Challenges On Business? What Are The Sources Of Cyber Security Threats? What Requirements And Elements Should Be Observed By The Business And Government To Prevent From The Cyber Crime? Answers: Introduction Cyber security is essential for business because the range of crime has been increased. It becomes as known issue in now a days in the business. Technology has become advanced and the issue of cyber security is faced by almost every country. It is the research proposal which will focus on research design and methodology. Literature review in this research proposal will describe the scope of cyber security along with the challenged of cyber security in the business. The risk of cyber security attack depends on three factors such as threats, vulnerabilities and impacts. Good cyber security is essential for the management because it able to prevent undesired surveillance of and collecting of intelligence from an information system. Project objective The aim of this research is to recognize the challenges of cyber security in the business. There are many companies that faced issue regarding cyber security. The main objective of this research to find out the issues related to cyber security Project scope Cyber security is wider and it is required for the business to safe and protects the relevant information regarding employees and clients. Thus, the scope of this project is huge; the topic of this research proposal is one of the challenging issues in todays world. Literature review will reflect the various aspects of cyber security which is necessary for protecting the data. Primary and secondary issues will be used to accomplish the research. Literature review Social networking platforms have changed the way of people and it become easy for the people to interact each other in an efficient manner. It is not made for initiating the connections, but has handled to sustain the progressing interconnected by engaging people in various interest of their choice. Facebook has mort ha 1 billion users and more than 1 billion tweet made every week. It has been evaluated that The Arab Spring, Occupy Wall Street and Jasmine Revolution have epitomized that the growing community of thousands of people can mobilized for a reason by social media. On the contrary, London riots were supposedly fuelled due to social media (Wells, Camelio, Williams and White, 2014). Cyber security is a complex issue and cyber attackers can derange infrastructures such as control over the financial and air traffic and create influence with matching the terrorist attack in the physical space. Cyber attackers are able to steal the information of corporate such as personal information of the employee and the clients of the company, intellectual property and financial activity records (Taylor, Fritsch and Liederbach, 2014). Cyber attacks have become more economical. Cyber security challenges has become more complex issue that cuts across various domains and demands for multi layer initiatives. It has been evaluated that damage by cyber attackers to the corporate world cannot be recognized instantly and even in some case, may even move unobserved. In case cyber attack is progressively defended, it would be able to cover the tracks and ascription of a cyber attack would become very difficult to recognize in some scenarios. It has been analyzed by researching on topic t hat there are no international and government laws to get help in tracing cyber attacks. It makes more difficulty for the business to fight against the cyber warfare (Reddy and Reddy, 2014). It is the responsibility of the business to make policies and procedures and establish the IT team so that possible prevention can be done in the business regarding cyber crime. It has been found that cyber crime is most challenging issue in preset world and it is proved by research which has been conducted on 25 global companies. It was the research that found that the digital data has become mpre wider. Technology has become advanced in the world but the innovation in technology brings so many threats for the business. There are various cyber security risks such as Ransomware, the internet of things (IOT), Malware, social engineering and fake advertisements and feedbacks. Ransomware is considered as the latest risk which is able to access the financial information of the user and make the payment to the cyber criminals. The IOT is able to access the sensitive information of the user in their system. Social engineering includes maneuvering the person to disclose their relevant data along with information by using the technique of phishing (Wang and Lu, 2013). By publishing the fake advertisement the internet, enhance the cyber crime in the business. Cyber attack has faced by many companies in all over the world, however, the possible step against the protection of these cyber attacks, government has taken various step to meet the issue of cyber crime. It involves the evaluating the system and security of network. Different countries have been taken initiated step to prevent the cyber security challenges in the organization such as China and US have made a cyber security laws (Von and Van, 2013). It has been researched that Australia is facing the issue of cyber security as it has not efficient knowledgeable staff of cyber security. That is why the demand of cyber security in the Australia is at peak. It is essential for the protection from cyber attack to establish National Structure for Cyber Security. It would have been involved various roles and responsibilities for stakeholders and focus on creating public private partnership model (Klahr, Shah, Sheriffs, Rossington, Pestell, Button and Wang, 2017). It should be able to enhance the trust between the companies and government. To prepare procedure of cyber security management has been established and the head of cyber security should be appointed with various responsibilities. Along with that Cyber Command is required for preventing forces to protect the Indian Cyberspace. The Cyber Command should be authorized with defensive and offensive cyber weapons (Elmaghraby and Losavio, 2014). Hypothesis Cyber security is able to prevent from various cyber attacks and enhance the safety while working. Lack of cyber security may lead the business in adverse situation and the personal and official data can be corrupted by cyber criminals. Research design and methodology A research methodology contains numerous methods and techniques to research and accumulate certain requirements and information from resources and journals. There are several methods being considered to research on the topic. Research methods There is various methods has been taken to execute the research but the main focus has been kept on quantitative and qualitative research. Quantitative research is able to give quantitative data and able to gather the information and data regarding cyber security challenges. Qualitative data has been taken to collect the quality data from secondary sources for the selected topic. Research approaches There are two approaches have been considered that is quantitative and qualitative approaches. Qualitative approaches are being used in then research to evaluate the reasons, views and opinion related to selected topic. Primary and secondary sources helped to analyze the data effectively by analyzing the collected data from articles, journals, websites and research task (Abawajy, 2014). Data collection Enthusiasm has been reflected while researching on the selected topic so that research program could be initiated in efficient manner. The aim behind conducting the research is to make aware business about the challenges of cyber crime. Primary and secondary information has been utilized to collect the information. The information from primary sources have been collected from direct respondents while secondary information has been collected from the used data such as journal, articles, websites and research sources (Reddy and Reddy, 2014). Sample and techniques Random sampling technique has been chosen due to huge amount of gathered data and information regarding selected topic. It is effective technique which provides opportunity to information to select. Research strategy It is important to accomplish the research within timeframe so that the possible results of research can be come in efficient manner. An action plan has been made to analyze the various activities of research with timing. It is important to focus on target market and to gather the relevant information; primary and secondary sources are being opted to set the target market. Primary resources such as questionnaire and interview criteria has been used to gather the data while articles, journals and other used data has been utilized in the context of secondary resources. Selection and ethical consideration The procedure of selection has been accomplished after analyzing the requirement of the research. Ethics consideration defines that what is correct and incorrect while researching. Data has been collected with fair manner Limitation of the research There are several issues has been found while executing the research which influence the research in the form of limitations. These limitations are mentioned below: The required time is not enough for this research and for better evaluating random sampling technique has been used. The selected topic needs depth research and due to lack of access data related to topic could not be observed. The reason of limitation is lack of data but the qualitative approach has been used to cover the information Time schedule Serial no. Activities Initiating date Duration Completed date Description 1 Selection of topic 10 September, 2017 2 11 September, 2017 Selection regarding topic has been made. 2 creation of plan 12 September, 2017 3 14 September, 2017 Plans will be prepared 3 Implementation of the plan 15 September, 2017 5 19 September, 2017 Data will be selected for the research topic 4 Data collection 20 September, 2017 5 24 September, 2017 Selected data will be opted for the execution of the research 5 Analyze the data 25 September, 2017 6 30 September, 2017 Technique will be used to analyze the data 6 Conclusion and recommendations 1 October, 2017 4 4 October, 2017 Data and information will be concluded by evaluating the data. Conclusion It has been concluded that various organization in all over the world are facing issues of cyber security challenges and the range of cyber attacks has been increased in the form of various attacking approaches such as malware, Ransomware, social engineering, hacking the data sand many more. This research has been made for making aware about the challenges of cyber security and raises the voice against the prevention. The focus of the research is on a collection of quality data for growing the constancy and authenticity of the research program. References Abawajy, J., 2014, User preference of cyber security awareness delivery methods.Behaviour Information Technology,33(3), pp.237-248. Elmaghraby, A.S. and Losavio, M.M., 2014, Cyber security challenges in Smart Cities: Safety, security and privacy.Journal of advanced research,5(4), pp.491-497. Hahn, A., Ashok, A., Sridhar, S. and Govindarasu, M., 2013, Cyber-physical security testbeds: Architecture, application, and evaluation for smart grid.IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid,4(2), pp.847-855. Klahr, R., Shah, J., Sheriffs, P., Rossington, T., Pestell, G., Button, M. and Wang, V., 2017, Cyber security breaches survey 2017: main report. Reddy, G.N. and Reddy, G.J., 2014, A Study of Cyber Security Challenges and its emerging trends on latest technologies.arXiv preprint arXiv:1402.1842. Streeter, D.C., 2013, The effect of human error on modern security breaches.Strategic Informer: Student Publication of the Strategic Intelligence Society,1(3), p.2. Taylor, R.W., Fritsch, E.J. and Liederbach, J., 2014,Digital crime and digital terrorism. Prentice Hall Press. Van den Berg, J., Van Zoggel, J., Snels, M., Van Leeuwen, M., Boeke, S., van de Koppen, L., Van der Lubbe, J., Van den Berg, B. and De Bos, T., 2014, On (the Emergence of) Cyber Security Science and its Challenges for Cyber Security Education. InProceedings of the NATO IST-122 Cyber Security Science and Engineering Symposium(pp. 13-14). Von Solms, R. and Van Niekerk, J., 2013, From information security to cyber security.computers security,38, pp.97-102. Wang, W. and Lu, Z., 2013, Cyber security in the Smart Grid: Survey and challenges.Computer Networks,57(5), pp.1344-1371. Wells, L.J., Camelio, J.A., Williams, C.B. and White, J., 2014, Cyber-physical security challenges in manufacturing systems.Manufacturing Letters,2(2), pp.74-77. Zahavi, G. 2015, Cyber threat insider, retrived on 22nd September, 2017, from:
Wednesday, December 4, 2019
Foreign Enterprise Human Resource Services †
Question: Discuss about the Foreign Enterprise Human Resource Services. Answer: Introduction The report talks about the Human resource practices which help in the functioning of an organization. In this report, the HR practices are being conducted in Australia and China. I have shown the similarities and contrast between the types of activities performed in both the countries considering a particular company from each of them with the perspective of making my point more appropriate and clearer. The report has a direct view on how a company of two different countries functions. The companies which will brief with the contents of the document are Beijing Foreign Enterprise Human Resource Services Company in China and Australia Human Resource Institute in Australia (Dowling, 2008). FESCO is known to be the first company to provide human resource services to other enterprises. It was founded in 1979 and has got into existence since then. It is also in partnership with reputed companies of China. AHRI, on the other hand, is a national association representing human resource with around 20,000 members from all over. AHRI concedes the HR experience of its members with a certification program and confides excellence in HR practice across Australia through different awards programs. Before moving further lets make us a bit clear of what does HRM means. HRM stands for Human Resource Management System which is present in all the companies in todays world. Without HR it is difficult for a company to run as this management is responsible for all the important tasks that are required for a company to perform. HR department of any company makes the policies that have to be followed by the staff members. It analyses the work being done at the company and the type of problem s the company faces if any. The work of HR is to take care of the companies finance as well as marketing techniques. We find the difference in the culture of both the companies working under HRM. It talks about the behavior of the company and the capabilities to perform a particular task in one go. The cultural differences of the company have shown a larger impact on their performance, recruitment and selection criteria, occupational health and safety, career management and staff induction which is discussed briefly below (Harzing Pinnington, 2010). Performance Appraisal China is no doubt a leading country in terms of manufacturing. The performance of China has not only increased but rather marked the acme in the world of competencies. FESCO has embodied itself from centrally planned economy to market-based economy. The important role in achieving such heights is played by human resource management and its role has never stooped rather there has been a constant accumulation since the establishment of the market economy (Storey, 2014). The performance of the company has anticipated on the basis of methods beings used by employees while working and the amount of feedback they get. Whereas strategies planned in Australia Human Resource Institute has improved their performance. Australia has put their first step towards managerial outcomes which have experienced the performance only in private sector. The performance appraisal of Australia is because of the debates on visionary issues. It is the use of an integrated strategy which improves the performanc e of individuals, teams, groups, and organizations. Their performance has shaped the performance management of the system. It has improved the organizational capabilities to work. Performance appraisal of Australia involves clarifying objectives and combining them with organizational objectives (Bratton Gold, 2012). Recruitment and Selection FESCO differ in their sources of recruitment. They mainly recruit on a larger level much higher than Australia. The company prefers to have external recruitment more that of the internal one. The recruitment process is done by them mainly comprises of employees able to work efficiently, to check whether they are capable of handling the tasks being assigned to them, whether they follow the values and commitment, whether the employee is willing to work and also the cultural values. When it comes to selection, the company conducts methods such as one-to- one interview, circulating application forms and references (Kavanagh Johnson, 2017). The selection is judged by the authorities on the basis of the interview being conducted, application forms are circulated and through other references. Then when the selection process takes place, the chances of being hired increase as the candidate already inculcates the working experience needed by the company to function which makes it easier for them to perform a task efficiently. The recruitment in AHRI is done on the basis of effectiveness. This company processes the task internally mainly. There are certain norms and criteria for the selection in Australia Human Resource Institute. Only the potential candidates with desired knowledge can fulfill the requirements of the company and therefore are recruited to fill the job vacancies. This criterion gives the candidate the greatest opportunity to showcase his skills keeping in mind to get selected. The selection in such companies is done after the recruitment process which is just not limited to interviewing, or checking references or testing. The selection by the HRMs is done efficiently and equitably (Bach, 2009). Occupational Health and Safety FESCO provide certain incentives to an individual who becomes employees and works for the firm. HR provides the health and safety measures to the employees which keep their interest ongoing in working (Arthur, 2012). Most employees are asked to maintain and manage information regarding the injuries and illnesses that remain uninterrupted by the employers whi8ch harms the results in performing the duties of the job (Moran, Abramson Moran, 2014). The company keeps a track record of the injuries suffered by employees during their jobs and also includes additional information related to their health. But the occupational and health services that fall under the guidelines of AHRI talks about Work Health and Safety Act (WHS). It ensures measures relating to employees safety measures at the workplace. It covers employees overall well-being and how an organization seeks improvement. The purpose of WHS law is to provide safety to people they employ. It checks the employers uniformity to work efficiently with no safety issues. When the HR is set up, the health and safety measures are also tracked which includes, how an employee got injured, his medical expenses, etc (Compton, 2009). Career Management The career management of FESCO has shown immense growth in the fields of business. It is a combination of organization and also an individuals management. The major benefit of the company is that one can upgrade their occupational goal considering the development in their careers. Moreover, the management system of this company has found importance in relation to the HR practices in FESCO. They look at the behavior of staff towards the company and their career perspective is intended accordingly. The practices of this company are highly related to career satisfaction (Rao Rao, 2009). The department of the company observes the employees behavior which sets their achievement in the long term. The company shows the path to the development which enhances the power to work and achieve the desired goals. Wherein, the AHRI makes a perspective to work which attracts them to develop their career. The management of the company is changed as per the demands and requirements hence it has made i mmense glory in the field of giving chances to the individuals to outburst their talent by implementing it as a career. The HR maintains the overall data of the employee and introspect it according to the demands. AHRI recently has membership in ten thousand HRM and continues to grow which makes employees potential to work and speedily. This management has given a suitable platform to the firm (Rao Rao, 2009). Staff Induction Staff induction as per FESCO the assessment of new staff members is done to become closely acquainted with the culture of the company and to develop an understanding of practices at a lower level to understand the role being performed by the company. The induction process in FESCO starts by checking the induction of employees which tells how to participate in two stage induction process. FESCOs induction process varies from employee to employee according to the role played in the firm (Dessler, 2009). The process is conducted frequently during which employees equate a larger part of information. When we talk about staff induction being done in AHRI we see that the company put expertise on a managerial level and to support them in being more active and understand responsibilities. The company welcomes new employees and once the employee is hired HRM puts them into the productive system of working which makes them learn as soon as possible. The induction criteria manage the decision o0 f an employee to stay and work in the company. The staff is induced as per the requirements of the company which aims to give new employees a chance to prove themselves with greater appreciations (Rothwell, Jackson, Ressler, Jones Brower, 2015). Conclusion As far as the business is concerned new find China has been the leading country in terms HRM to that of Australia. China has the best resources and better strategies and also we find today China is considered to be the largest growing country in manufacturing. Therefore, while conducting the assignment it has been found that Chinas HR management had evolved to a greater extent than Australia. Australia has shown a gradual growth in this field. References Arthur, D. (2012).Recruiting, interviewing, selecting orienting new employees. AMACOM Div American Mgmt Assn. Bach, S. (Ed.). (2009).Managing human resources: personnel management in transition. John Wiley Sons. Bratton, J., Gold, J. (2012).Human resource management: theory and practice. Palgrave Macmillan. Compton, R. L. (2009).Effective recruitment and selection practices. CCH Australia Limited. Dessler, G. (2009).A framework for human resource management. Pearson Education India. Dowling, P. (2008).International human resource management: Managing people in a multinational context. Cengage Learning. Harzing, A. W., Pinnington, A. (Eds.). (2010).International human resource management. Sage. Kavanagh, M. J., Johnson, R. D. (Eds.). (2017).Human resource information systems: Basics, applications, and future directions. Sage Publications. Moran, R. T., Abramson, N. R., Moran, S. V. (2014).Managing cultural differences. Routledge. Rao, P. S., Rao, V. S. P. (2009).Personnel and human resource management. Himalaya Publishing House. Rothwell, W. J., Jackson, R. D., Ressler, C. L., Jones, M. C., Brower, M. (2015).Career Planning and Succession Management: Developing Your Organization's Talentfor Today and Tomorrow: Developing Your Organizations Talentfor Today and Tomorrow. ABC-CLIO. Storey, J. (2014).New Perspectives on Human Resource Management (Routledge Revivals). Routledge.
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