Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Diversity in Sexual Orientation - 1149 Words
Diversity in Sexual Orientation by Jason Burnley When I think about diversity in the world I too think about diversity when it comes to sexual orientation. Sometimes I think -- How is sexual identity developed? What influences who we become sexually? Why is there such diversity in sexual orientation? To be quite frank, there are no correct or incorrect answers to these questions. The idea of sexual orientation and behavior is a very complex one. What was true in the past is certainly different than the norm today. When I researched the various psychological theories and methodologies of measuring one’s sexuality, naturally I came across the work of Dr. Alfred Kinsey, the creator of the Kinsey scale. Dr. Kinsey created The Kinsey†¦show more content†¦They also compared the two groups in their religious affiliation, political ideology, and attitudes toward casual sex and non-monogamy: men whose heterosexual identity was consistent with their behavior, fantasies, and attractions (i.e., all different-sex only) were similar to those with some inconsistencies and among women, those with some degree of same-sex sexuality yet a heterosexual identity were significantly more liberal in their political and sexual attitudes. Dr. Savin-Williams argues in his newest book, The New Gay Teenager, young adults are becoming much more open in and about their sexualities, and many are resisting the pressure to label themselves as one thing or another. But, of course, even researchers of Dr. Alfred Kinsey’s time knew that sexuality is not black and white, but rather much more complex. Although we may find it simpler to think our sexual behavior, attractions, fantasies, and identities are all consistent and aligned, the reality of our world is that they are not consistent for many people. â€Å"Our sexual identity, that label we embrace to let others know whether we prefer people of the same gender, of different genders, or both (e.g., gay, lesbian, heterosexual, bisexual, queer), does not always necessarily reflect who we are attracted to, who we fantasize about, and who we have sex with.†(Vrangalova Show MoreRelatedGender And Sexual Orientation Of Diversity1582 Words  | 7 Pagesand hospitality industry. At present the gender and sexual orientation not only are held hostage-cutting in various parts of the world changes in the process, but also by the transformation of society throughout the thousand-state changes. They put gender as a key variable, focusing inspected it with other social differences cross interaction. 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